Archive for February, 2016

Leap Year’d


29, the most bullying of numbers.



[Everyone gasps].

Was watching some of the Pokémon movies during the big Twitch stream extravaganza.  Surprisingly entertaining.

Bernard and Joachim’s Frozen Sugarmilk


Not to mention I still have another one off of three coupon.

I finally used a coupon for a dollar off Ben and Jerry’s ice cream (3 pints) and it spit out another coupon for $1.50 off 4 pints.  Someone out there really wants me to eat ice cream.

Soccer censors


Only $99.99 to feel regret!
Soccer Spirits recently had some artwork changes to make it more child-friendly. The in-app purchases remain adult-oriented.

Sump pump doctors


So now instead of a mechanical buzz we get the normal buzz.
Replaced an old sump pump that sounded like it was going to fizzle out soon. I always thought that if toilets had a skeleton, they’d look like these kind of sump pumps.

Dang nail


A most uncomfortable weapon.
I needed to let a half-busted nail grow out so I wouldn’t have to clip it too close to my finger. So I just had a deadly weapon on my ring finger that doubled as a hook for gloves to get caught on.

Network battle


Been playing some Street Fighter V whenever the network doesn’t kick me out of whatever mode I’m playing.

Undie bag


And they're not mine, or are they?
Woke up and found a large blue bag of underwear just chillin’ on my chair.

Dragon stuff


Are dragons coming to life soon or what.
Had some dream where I was asking for more dragon-related stuff and I kept finding some in the basement at the bottom of the steps. I also had a tattoo on my bicep from a dream I had months ago, but I still can’t remember what it was of exactly.

Laid back and paid out


Almost looks like I have no pants on already.

Backroom’s a mess but I got a paid day off so I feel nothing.  Then vacation for the week coming up.